

"Tara can you Please put these muffins on the shelf please?" My manager asks.

"Sure!" I take the tray and open the glass door full of yummy baked sweets, shoving the tray are in line with each other.

I've been working at my local cafe part time to earn some money since I'm starting some of my college classes this year. I'm not quitting my job when college starts though. I'll be working some nights and weekends.

Working at the cafe has been pretty okay so far. Although sometimes there are negatives to the job. Getting hit on by very old men is definitely a huge negative. Also kids. God I hate kids. Screaming and crying in the cafe with mothers who can't control their children. It gives me the worst headache ever.

But of course there are positive the pay is standard, tips are great, and all my coworkers are so nice. Specially my best friend mina. Plus making the drinks and treats is always fun.

I stand back up and see a tall man standing in front of the counter.

Wow he's hot. Definitely older than me. Whats the name for someone like that? Oh yeah. sexsy dilf.

"Hi, what can i get for you sir?" I smile and feel my face heat up.

"Just a large hot latte with cream and cheese cake please." His voice is so husky and deep. Damn.

"Of course! Is that all?and for here or to go?" I ask looking down I can't even look thi man in the eyes, he's so fine.

"Yeah and to go ." He replied. He looks at me and starts looking up and down my body. Usually I would be disgusted, but I can't help but feel nervous. My body is pretty average. Average boobs, ass. Nothing very special honestly but it does look decent.

I grab a cheese cake and put it in a bag. Than grab a large cup and start to make the latte. I can't help but feel like my hands shaking.

Why does this man make me so self conscious and nervous? Maybe because it seems like he's practically eye-fucking me? Maybe I'm wrong but he's slightly licking his lips can still staring at me.

"Okay your total is 545rs sir." I say as I ring him up. He hands me his card and hust touching his finger gives me chills.

God I'm such a mess right now.

I swipe the card and hand it back while I pass him his drink and cheese cake.

"Thank you and have a wonderful day sir." I say

""It's rajveer "


"My name is rajveer."

"Oh well have good day rajveer." I smile.






I am so nervous but still I will right this 📚 book. Please enjoy.

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